Build Your Data Vision
Is your Data supporting your business Strategy?
Now you have an understanding of your data it is essential that you move to the next step – your Data Strategy and how this seamlessly links into your business strategy!
The Value You Get
- Confidence that you have an aligned strategy Data to Business
- How to action that strategy – a road map – with a Actions /Enablement Plans /Measures of Success
- Clear understanding of investment – hardware / Software solutions – you have the ARCHITECTURE plan on which to build!
- Have an idea of what and when NEW Digital Solutions can be added – IoT, new tech like Augmented Reality etc.
- An essential list of priorities for what need done. – Immediate / Medium Term (6 mths to 12 mths) / Long Term (12mths +)
The Method
Step 1:
Workshop with Leadership – and senior SMEs in your business
Step 2: ongoing C Level reviews once per week (30 mins sessions)
Step 3: Ongoing SME reviews – twice a week (1hr) – reviews and investigation – this may include customers!
Step 4: Draft review – actions / owners / expectations and does this still match the original business needs?
Step 5: If all is well publication of the Strategic Review and Road Map communicated to the business and customers where appropriate
The Timelines
Without doubt this must be done in a comprehensive way, as the saying goes… PLAN to SUCCEED
It is expected that this phase is completed in 6 weeks but will depend on the maturity of you current over all strategy as well as the organisation’s culture and how effectively the organisation works in a collaborative way.
The timelines and expectations will be set very early on in the phase.
What you need to commit to
There will be an expectation that commitment will come from:
Senior Management – as the steering committee – ensuring that the organisation’s KPIs are tied to measure of success for the digital strategy. They will approve the reporting format – visualisation.
Middle management and SEMs – to ensure that the processes and data requirements are embedded in KPIS and reporting of success as relevant for their teams and disciplines.
The resources working in the field, ensuring that they can see how the measures of success tie to their KPIs and reporting is clear and comprehensive
Pricing Model
This will be based on time and materials but will build in a value based pricing to go forward. It is key that pricing is linked to value to ensure buy-in from all parties.